Reports on Beauty, Travel and Life

《我报》记者*郑诗慧的游荡空间。 时而亢奋,时而慵懒;时而快乐,时而忧郁。 时而乐观,时而悲观;时而喜欢,时而讨厌。 除了时而自恋之外,也时而热爱美术,又时而喜欢去party,有时而一个人旅行。不和朋友见面时,喜欢和MSN安静共处。喜欢紫色,喜欢拥抱,喜欢蓝天白云,喜欢运动出汗的快感,喜欢的还有很多很多。活着让人陶醉。

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

endurance race

I can feel everyone is slowly burning out.
bad news but seems so. At least I can feel so for myself *力不从心*。

Just read 咏梅's blog, a pity she is losing touch with her 二胡。*Sad*...... For myself, I lose touch with the artbrush as well ever since I left sec. school as I decided to pursue the Chinese Language (LEP at HCJC) path and gave up on AEP. Henceforth, I appreciate the chance to pick up the brush again during IMH painting sessions. I don't see it as volunteer work, cuz it is more like I owe it to IMH for giving me the chance to rekindle my interest in art. (guess it is the "artistic" blood in me, I love writing design stories and reading up on designers, so interesting!)

Anyway the above was beside my point. Back to the work part... Tonight almost everyone was so busy and cannot leave the office to take their dinner at a comfortable pace in the coffeeshop. A sad sign and unhealthy, but it goes to show we are really working very hard.

Now is the time to endure (churn out more good articles as supply runs low) alas losing steam. Must Hang ON!! me too.. You too, everyone too. And adverts (my worry of the day)... keep coming in, will you? :P

Current Song: 日剧《一公升的眼泪》歌曲“3月9日”
Current Mood: want to relax


At Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:23:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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