Reports on Beauty, Travel and Life

《我报》记者*郑诗慧的游荡空间。 时而亢奋,时而慵懒;时而快乐,时而忧郁。 时而乐观,时而悲观;时而喜欢,时而讨厌。 除了时而自恋之外,也时而热爱美术,又时而喜欢去party,有时而一个人旅行。不和朋友见面时,喜欢和MSN安静共处。喜欢紫色,喜欢拥抱,喜欢蓝天白云,喜欢运动出汗的快感,喜欢的还有很多很多。活着让人陶醉。

Thursday, November 30, 2006

random thoughts

just had some interesting contact luncheons with various PRs and marketing managers today. 29 and 30 Nov are very popular dates for events and meet-ups. nonetheless, enjoying myself except for moments of loneliness.

met some interesting pple whom told me their life stories i.e. one lady married a German and lived overseas for 30 yrs, she just returned 6 mths ago and working at an organic food shop now to pass time. A down-to-earth and simple lady. I wonder, what would my life be like if a man/someone whisk me off to a foreign land? Life would have taken a very different path then. After hearing their lifestories, maybe aint a bad idea to be whisked off to a faraway land? *ok, crap*

anyway, so scary.. 31 days left to end 2006. My most wonderful year ever since I started working :-) full of sweetness and God's blessings!

Right, please visit for my excellent Europe pix. lazy to put them all up now, but eager to share :)

Miss the kids, miss the trip. Each of YOU is so cute and sweet :-) Enjoy your holidays while it lasts :) Youth.... the most precious HIGH time in life.


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