Reports on Beauty, Travel and Life

《我报》记者*郑诗慧的游荡空间。 时而亢奋,时而慵懒;时而快乐,时而忧郁。 时而乐观,时而悲观;时而喜欢,时而讨厌。 除了时而自恋之外,也时而热爱美术,又时而喜欢去party,有时而一个人旅行。不和朋友见面时,喜欢和MSN安静共处。喜欢紫色,喜欢拥抱,喜欢蓝天白云,喜欢运动出汗的快感,喜欢的还有很多很多。活着让人陶醉。

Thursday, August 30, 2007

这几天过的不一样 simply happie @ home

my new hair



想想上个星期四的今天,我还是忙碌的。1130am要到IKEA Tampines,我必须10am就打扮好出门;430pm赴Sony Ericsson T650i在Dempsey Road的推介会邀约;6pm抵达Clarke Quay的Fashion Bar;8pm到PS见朋友、再冒雨到Prinsep Street试菜。回家后,过意不去工作量不多,写了一段稿(我已经好一段时间没有work from home了)。一天下来,我跑遍了新加坡的东(Tampines)、北(office)、南(市区)、西(我家)。非常不可思议,精力充沛!


从报章上也知道Kit Chan和Diana Ser分别加入Hill & Knowlton及IMSG从事公关行业。素来有和这两家公司接触,搞不好有一天她们会向我pitch故事,hohoho。。。其实很意外Kit会做上班族,而不是去教音乐或做幕后。歌手的储蓄不能用一辈子,非企业家的你我只是凡人,只能当打工仔。就算曾是歌手,也会不安全感,怕和社会脱节,希望做“正常人”。

昨晚就看了Pat Mok、Penny戴佩妮、Jolin和Rainie女星的blog,翻一翻,我们的喜好about the same。艺人除了提供娱乐、得到的待遇可能好一些、赚钱比较快以外,也没有什么别的。


Sunday, August 19, 2007

I've a long path ahead

I can't help but have mixed feelings after hearing the NDay Rally.

It is distressing and worrisome and yet enlightening to know that I'd live till 80 (national expectancy averge age). And my parents, they will enjoy another 30 years of life under my care. it is a SIGH, and a :) at the same time.

When longevity issues are brought up to a national level/ country-wide concern, being able to live long don't sound blissful or exciting. It clearly calls for early planning, and I feel quite grey about it.

Imagine everywhere is Radin Mas, 1 out of 4 (or 6) are above 65 years old, yeah, S'pore not gonna be as dynamic come 2012; there may even be dance-clubs for the 40s (Ladies' night age better be raised so I can still enjoy free champagne on Weds, fast forward time to 20 years later).

So strictly speaking, if I live till 80, my Mid-Life only starts when I am 40! That is 14 years more! I am indeed very young, 26th/80th year on Earth. If I already worked hard, sloughed and enjoyed all I want by the time I hit 40, I can't imagine if I never fall senile, I would have to think of things to do(yoga, painting, blogging, facials, gardening, travelling........) to fill up my time till I hit 80 to say good-bye to this world. It can sound like quite a pain.

I have to save for house, for old-age, for medical bills, and the list goes on. Good Life, Good Death. I better start preparing for it :(

A friend said, migrate la, to aussie/UK/Canada the welfare-states, you get the gardens, fresh air and pay-outs. Sounds eutopia.

With the income gap widening, will Spore still remain a middle-class society or such one-class society will just live in our imagination?

mmm... Just a wild thought, in the case I grow old alone, I better pre-book my aged-home slot when I hit 50. Better still, I should invest in such properties !Don't need to pay rent! mmm..what about after 60s aged's avant garde resort/villa/penth house?

Saturday, August 18, 2007


上个月初在北京的几个晚上,每一天晚上都追看江苏卫视的《绝对唱响》选秀节目,和杨澜在湖南卫视主持的《天下女人》谈话性节目,very woman。。。

可惜回来后几经寻找,都找不到网上视频。《绝》最精彩的是台湾评判游鸿明、松柏兄弟、舒骏老师(我以前在U周刊实习电访过他,他很charming :))、我的偶像高怡萍(三高:学历/薪水/身高)、老董、高凌风的针锋相对和赞许,可惜视频没有节录,只有配对歌手对唱的情况。杨姐的节目则没有视频,只要文章摘录。


如果我能生活在北京,就算没有多少朋友,每晚悠哉看看50多个电视频道、看看英文expat杂志、上剧场看戏、上个性小酒吧坐坐感受旧革命情调,收看S$5能买到的王府井书店(上次帮Glenn买书,得到10%优惠卡,谁要借?)买来的DVD、该有多好。Mango的价格和新加坡一样(ok 商会出差有小购物,那里的Mango Sale和这里的货品same price!)。重写新的人生,在陌生的环境里。

Emotional Temperature 情绪指数


如果我生病了,一定会很nonchalant,千万不要怪我拿起电话时的冷淡语气(sound curt)。我真的不想被打扰。于是我把email关了,把电话挂了,开了一点音乐,拿满了温水,希望写得下稿。

如果我的大姨妈快来了,一定会很贪吃,而且脾气暴躁,千万不要怪我sian sian的,或是闷闷的。我只想快点把东西完成,然后做我爱做的事,让自己获得一些快乐。

如果我的热情不小心烫伤了你,不好意思,你可以喜欢、也可以不喜欢我的38+无厘头+可爱有余的沟通模式。当然,如果是在Acid Bar遇见我,红酒下肚后,双颊红润的我会很friendly。

现在,洗完澡,心情回复27.0度room temperature,Normal。



-访问林俊杰2nd time for Kiehl's美容慈善代言。他是我以前一个不怎么熟的同学的死党。上回看到Jj是cover去年台北岁末演唱会。我的北京朋友超喜欢他的,单眼皮男生是有市场的哟!嘿,我问是不是女朋友帮你买Kiehl's的护唇膏,他招架不住 :P “女性朋友。”不认,就算了。

-带randy + nicholas《Becoming Royston》导演+ 制片去Philatelic Museum/Substation逛街,他们很鬼马,很多表情,也很有创意,当场想到了可以拍一部关于邮差传情书的故事之类的。我对museum的vintage couch和Vespa送信机车最有兴趣!我出国原本就爱寄postcards和拍摄各国的mailbox的模样(中国,台湾,欧洲),所以香港的Queen Victoria *ER*标志的红色邮筒,尤其钟爱!

-带Corrinne May到新开发的Dempsey Hills拍照,她很高挑,没有架子,非常随性,like her songs"Fly Away","You Keep me Safe in A crazy World"...she is easy to work with and poses with poise and confidence for Bob. I like her songs, it connects with me, the spiritual aspect where both us loves God. And it is no secret that some/most of her lyrics are inspired by the religion.

We had a 2 hours dinner-food tasting at Rain (Dempsey) Modern Steamboat place. I was sick, runny nose and all, and the soups were nice, my tongues could make out about 40% of the taste, which ain't too bad since Wed was 1st day after MC and fever subsided.

me, Corrinne, Eve e young manager, Sheila the PR and Kee the consultant, 5 ladies' dinner. The conversations just flowed. We knew about her musical achievements and style, she let us in on her parents' decisions to hold her from gg Boston at 18 and she had to go NUS first before she could fly off to fulfill her dreams.

"Being an undergrad at 23, compared with my classmates around me who are just 18, I could see the differences between us, the level of maturity.......Staying abroad also helped me to understand myself clearer, things I wouldn't have discovered." Both she, Sheila and Kee who have studied in US/Aussie encouraged me and evelyn to pursue studies/work overseas. Indeed, I yearn such experiences, being single, all the more I have the freedom to do it! :)

Another enlightenment I had was in respect to finding the man in my life: Never say NEVER! With successful working mums (like Kee) at the dinner table, the topic will somehow shift to marriage and how they met.

Corrinne said, she always envisage the significant other to be taller and older. "But my husband is just ard my height, and he is 2 years younger than me."

Kee's love story is truly one of destined love but too long to tell here. "I wrote this list sometime back the 10 things I want in a husband,and forgot about it. After I got married, I found the paper and viola! I think he fits all. Sometimes, it is not what you don't want, you should look for what you want." hermmm...NOTED.

i love hanging out with jie-jies in their 30s, full of life's wisdom......

(someone also said, after you are married, must shut one eye and just look after ur territory..just recording this down in case i get dementia.)

-带Royston Tan到我真正的家乡--Lim Chu Kang's Bollywood Veg Farm. being the true-blue kampung girl, I really love the scenery and (smell, but blocked nose, smelt nothing). TOO BAD, dat morning I left in a haste and forgot to bring my camera, anyway I was feeling quite sick by my infected throat, so no mood to snap pix. and :( I left my umbrella at the farm......shld I go back some time to pick it up?

It is ulu, from my hse take cab still need $10.....It is a popular place, CNA was there filming when we went, then afternoon is Wanbao's turn. So hot to go green these days.

wah, their house dogs are Great Danes, looks more like ponys to me :P Anyway, after visiting Pawtobello Pets Cafe for report purpose, I think it is better I don't rear dogs for now, I nearly went nuts in dat 2.5 hrs in the castrophobic cafe, and kinda relieved when I left the dogs' palace.aiyo....还是和人生活一起自在。

Royston is a nice man, so amiable, direct, flamboyant and animated :) Can't wait to watch his 3rd flick "881" when I am free. 他从我觉得粗俗的15,到我没有看的4.30,到881,名副其实的数字导演!问他下一组真字是什么,他说:“没有啦,巧合。”

I told him, hotel 81 seems to have sexual connoctations figuratively, is 881 thinking in terms of such aspects. He blurred, and said:"No leh...the 81 story is unheard of. "

这次票房他有压力,因为“他们说,导演的第三部片子是成败的关键,break it or make it。也当然希望能早日拿到更高的导演费啦!”所以这么好看的hokkien戏, 你要支持国产电影哟!!!Must-watch this weekend!
just now, on the way home, stopped by Yishun MRT to change train, and so 巧,saw 台湾的大小百合,在歌台献唱。

mmm..Veg Farm的老板一直ask Royston to set up GE TAI as a touristic cultural attraction, just like water puppets in Vietnam and shadow puppet in Indonesia. "You can use 牛车水人民剧场 and whisk all your tourists there." Very colourful farm, interesting couple, and a very bright idea. What do you think, Royston? Action?

tmr is Indulgence final workshop no.4, see u there.
at 32nd floor Acts 1 @ Meritus Mandarin hotel.

Friday, August 17, 2007

You keep safe in a crazy world

Awoken by the patter of raindrops outside my windows. It is a rainy morning again, same as yesterday, before I departed to Lim Chu Kang farm to meet co for Royston Tan's feature shoot.

Due to my blocked nose, can't taste a thing last 4 days and can't sniff a thing, not the rain, not the fresh mow or dew on the veg farm. *sucks*

the weather reminds me of Taipei, and I miss my home all of a sudden :( Got dressed in the winter-wollen wear I got from Taipei to workplace.....If only, I can close my eyes and be whisked off to another city, and walk on the streets of tpe once again (alone).

I just want to sleep on this Friday, I want to hole up in my bed. but tmr still gotta go work.........:(

Thursday, August 02, 2007


congrats to the photography talk, heard it got filled up!
such is the power of My Paper/media :)

I have been thinking of discussing the upcoming niche high society new mag titles and the Beijing's preparations for Olympics in this column but havent got time to think thru and pen things down.

Been busy at beauty events this week. In fact 80% of the events I have on my diary this week are BEAUTY events and interviews! which I totally enjoy learning and writing about.

will pen again. Nights.